samedi 21 novembre 2009
We are knowing since my sweet chil.......;but this was a few times of meeting and it was only during breakfast and somes major celebrations.
Again later we were together in class and during break i consoled myself through it.throughout my life we have meet each other repeatedly and we have shared those moments along with coffee.juice and many other things indeed this knowledge was only partial.
I have traveled alone to Norway but then I found her here.And here it occured to me in all possible forms.
Since my first day at hald,we never left eyes and if so just to sleep and very early we are already together around the table and she is my favorite.When i traveld for my practce in Arendal,she has been my guardian angel wherever I went;Imeet her everywhere I went in the middle of great conversations,great meetings ,giving strengh to workers ,comforting the hungry.short she was joy for all people.
At the evening we met at around 21:oo around table telling our hard day ;I'm always drinking coffe in that moment;we remain there as long as possible and take off for sleep hoping to see us the morning at breakfast and it was always the case.I love her and will maintain this relationship as long as possible.We haven't yet talked about marriage because the best for us is to live this wonderful period together and not care about futur.She is my inspiration to write this text.
Who knows my girlfriend?
Everybody knows her.......
Here is my girlfriend............. hehehehehhe
dimanche 15 novembre 2009
This is the greatest challenge 's time to know where we can find the good samaritan?
Since the history of believe until now we think always to this relevant question ;often we think that in developed country live several samaritan and of course is it!i agree with this thinking.
The difference between nord countries and south countries particularly economic difference have introduced the concept of samaritan to rich;but we must not give values to somes circumstances and situations that can tarnish the vital nature of any gift previously offered. Actualy i'm sure that every reader of this text will ask himself what does it mean by that? so i will tell you a shocking situation that i have assited:
One day going at job,there was one girl bike at job ;she falls on the midle of the floor.suddently appeared one gentleman jogging :HE PASSED HIS WAY ABOVE THE GIRL.
That was most shocking for me;may be I dont have reason to think in this way,but what I have felt was deep and only intimate pain.
Dears readers I can be on the feil way having this feeling and i want just that you give me what would you have felt in my place?this relevant question need answer and we can 't go find them or it (answer)in our high position eller in our account in bank but in our deeply soul.
This girl was thinking or expecting to got help from that man but it was'nt.
-Can imagine one moment all risks which she was exposed being on the floor?
So seeing that ,I thought to a book readed by me:
".....And though i have the talent of diplomatic organizer and administrator in councils and meetings
.......though i have all the confidence that I need to raise large funds but do not have love,I'm good for nothing"
"...And though I share my possessions and give money to the poor,but do nothelp my brother and sister to become strong,independent followersof christ,I achieve absolutely nothing"........
So why not refocus the human values and placed it above all else? and we will join Socrates who said:"MAN IS THE MEASURE OF ALL THINGS"
samedi 14 novembre 2009
DET VAR ÉN GANG...........
Men vi må forstår dem ; da kan vi vite akkurat hva de har lyst til å lære ,hva som er viktig.
Da er det veldig vanskelig.først, fordi flere av dem tenker det er kjedelig når jeg snakker om Gud.Noen ganger leker de og gjøre andre ting.Det kan være skremmende men det er mitt mål å snakke med dem om frelsen gjenom Jesus .så da ,må vi bruker aktivitetene som de bruker hver dag og de lærer mye.skal vi se....
Vi gleder oss når vi spiller sammen;men etterpå , er det veldig viktig å tenke på vår skaper:Gud. så vi tar time som dette bildet viser.
-hva tenker dere når sa jesus:"Guds rike tilhører barna
la barna komme til meg"sa jesus
Det er vanlig å gå på leir så vi kan fortelle mye om Guds rike til barna .De er veldig flinke til å forstår mange ting på én gang.De har en flott psykologi ,og vi må altid være sammen med dem ;bruke illustrasjoner og flere leker
det er svært viktig og spennende å være med dem så kan jeg koble dem til Guds rike.
I vår tid,trenger verdens kristene ungdom mer kreativitet;bruk hva de bruker hver dag ;snakke mer med dem så vi kan forstår mye av deres tanker ,deres håpe og dette er hva jeg tenker akkurat nå: