The unforgettable December 24 in Norway
from the outset, Christmas in Norway is celebreated in different ways not identical to that we are using to do in Cameroon. According to the humble mind, Christmas is a really important party in Norway in the sense that it is the occasion when the whole family meet together after having spent a whole year for some to call on the phone, then this fabulous remark on the traffic of gifts in those bigger super markets give to this festival a unique look into the Norwegian calendar of festivities.
In Norway, Christmas is a family festival and is celebrated more on the 24th desember.is true that we, Cameroonian we also do the same thing but then considered rather feteest desembre 25th, and yet growing at a level too broad to be a matter of Popularity: because being at home ,you can be visited by anyone at anytime, and especially this person must share with you a meal. Discs of music and various invitations are proliferating throughout the country and it should be noted that a Christmas party passed without a visitor at home reflect your character even egoism and avarice.
It is not so strange to me that I participate in a different category of celebration because I'm living in a different culture. And speaking of culture, I have undiscovered in Norway that some people bathe in the sea freezes as tradition. Being so passionate about the Norwegian culture , I proposed myself candidate for this bath where we must open sea and to withdraw the ice before swimming. As shown in this picture.
Then there is a time to swim and it was cold and what was really challenging was to time the person who would do more time in the frozen sea.
Very excited,once at home, the news spread through the land of my intership and everyone would see all the pictures on facebook. It was a real experience and new to me but so memorable.
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